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             Our aim is to carry out  securities transactions with the precision to potentially maximize our clients investment decisions.




              Our Vision is to maintain services being offered and or introduce new services to meet clients demand and maintain a high level of customers satisfaction.



Maintain core Values

              WSC relies on the trust of its valued clients, We handle all transactions with utmost confidentiality. Our core values are Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Commitment, Responsiveness and Fairness.

Continued Professional Service Learnings and Operational Efficiency

              WSC carries out transaction with reliability and operates within an efficient structure, Continuous learning is encouraged for its employees


Compliance with Rules and Regulations

              WSC complies with the implementing rules and regulations of the regulatory bodies that comprise the securities industry.



                 WSC is a Broker in Securities and also assists clients and prospective clients with securities lodgements, upliftment and custody.






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